- CSS Classes
Core API
- Design
- Path._curve()
- Path.addClass()
- Path.addText()
- Path.angleAt()
- Path.asPathString()
- Path.asRenderProps()
- Path.attr()
- Path.bbox()
- Path.clean()
- Path.clone()
- Path.close()
- Path.combine()
- Path.curve()
- Path.curve_()
- Path.divide()
- Path.edge()
- Path.end()
- Path.hide()
- Path.insop()
- Path.intersects()
- Path.intersectsX()
- Path.intersectsY()
- Path.join()
- Path.length()
- Path.line()
- Path.move()
- Path.noop()
- Path.offset()
- Path.reverse()
- Path.rotate()
- Path.roughLength()
- Path.setClass()
- Path.setHidden()
- Path.setText()
- Path.shiftAlong()
- Path.shiftFractionAlong()
- Path.smurve()
- Path.smurve_()
- Path.split()
- Path.start()
- Path.translate()
- Path.trim()
- Path.unhide()
- Point.addCircle()
- Point.addText()
- Point.angle()
- Point.asRenderProps()
- Point.attr()
- Point.clone()
- Point.copy()
- Point.dist()
- Point.dx()
- Point.dy()
- Point.flipX()
- Point.flipY()
- Point.rotate()
- Point.setCircle()
- Point.setText()
- Point.shift()
- Point.shiftFractionTowards()
- Point.shiftOutwards()
- Point.shiftTowards()
- Point.sitsOn()
- Point.sitsRoughlyOn()
- Point.slope()
- Point.translate()
- utils.applyTransformToPoint()
- utils.beamIntersectsCircle()
- utils.beamIntersectsCurve()
- utils.beamIntersectsX()
- utils.beamIntersectsY()
- utils.beamsIntersect()
- utils.capitalize()
- utils.circlesIntersect()
- utils.combineTransform()
- utils.curveEdge()
- utils.curveIntersectsX()
- utils.curveIntersectsY()
- utils.curveParameterFromPoint()
- utils.curvesIntersect()
- utils.deg2rad()
- utils.generateStackTransform()
- utils.getTransformedBounds()
- utils.lineIntersectsCircle()
- utils.lineIntersectsCurve()
- utils.linesIntersect()
- utils.mergeI18n()
- utils.mergeOptions()
- utils.pctBasedOn()
- utils.pointOnBeam()
- utils.pointOnCurve()
- utils.pointOnLine()
- utils.rad2deg()
- utils.round()
- utils.splitCurve()
- utils.stretchToScale()
- utils.units()
- banner
- bannerBox
- bartack
- bartackAlong
- bartackFractionAlong
- crossBox
- cutOnFold
- flip
- gore
- grainline
- hd
- ld
- miniScale
- mirror
- pd
- pleat
- ringSector
- rmBanner
- rmBannerBox
- rmBartack
- rmBartackAlong
- rmBartackFractionAlong
- rmCrossBox
- rmCutOnFold
- rmGrainline
- rmHd
- rmLd
- rmMiniScale
- rmPd
- rmPleat
- rmRingSector
- rmScaleBox
- rmSewTogether
- rmTitle
- rmVd
- rmaD
- rmaHd
- rmaLd
- rmaPd
- rmaVd
- round
- scalebox
- sewTogether
- sprinkle
- title
- vd
- Measurements
Store Methods
- cutlist.addCut()
- cutlist.removeCut()
- cutlist.setCutOnFold()
- cutlist.setGrain()
- flag.error()
- flag.fixme()
- flag.info()
- flag.note()
- flag.preset()
- flag.tip()
- flag.warn()
- generateMacroIds()
- getMacroIds()
- log.debug()
- log.error()
- log.info()
- log.warn()
- pack()
- removeMacroNodes()
- storeMacroIds()
- unflag.error()
- unflag.fixme()
- unflag.info()
- unflag.note()
- unflag.preset()
- unflag.tip()
- unflag.warn()
- Web of Trust
Removes nodes generated by macro id
By nodes, we mean paths, points, and so on that have been created by the macro.
When a macro properly uses a combination of generateMacroIds()
, this method will fully handle its removal.
Object store.removeMacroNodes(
String id,
macro = store.activeMacro,
part = store.activePart,
The method takes a (macro) id and removes all nodes created by this macro,
It uses the active macro and part from the store, Or you can pass in macro
and part
to not use the active macro or part.
undefined store.removeMacroNodes('macroId')
Contents by
- Authors:
- Maintainers:
- Last updated: 4 days, 17 hours ago