- CSS Classes
Core API
- Design
- Path._curve()
- Path.addClass()
- Path.addText()
- Path.angleAt()
- Path.asPathString()
- Path.asRenderProps()
- Path.attr()
- Path.bbox()
- Path.clean()
- Path.clone()
- Path.close()
- Path.combine()
- Path.curve()
- Path.curve_()
- Path.divide()
- Path.edge()
- Path.end()
- Path.hide()
- Path.insop()
- Path.intersects()
- Path.intersectsX()
- Path.intersectsY()
- Path.join()
- Path.length()
- Path.line()
- Path.move()
- Path.noop()
- Path.offset()
- Path.reverse()
- Path.rotate()
- Path.roughLength()
- Path.setClass()
- Path.setHidden()
- Path.setText()
- Path.shiftAlong()
- Path.shiftFractionAlong()
- Path.smurve()
- Path.smurve_()
- Path.split()
- Path.start()
- Path.translate()
- Path.trim()
- Path.unhide()
- Point.addCircle()
- Point.addText()
- Point.angle()
- Point.asRenderProps()
- Point.attr()
- Point.clone()
- Point.copy()
- Point.dist()
- Point.dx()
- Point.dy()
- Point.flipX()
- Point.flipY()
- Point.rotate()
- Point.setCircle()
- Point.setText()
- Point.shift()
- Point.shiftFractionTowards()
- Point.shiftOutwards()
- Point.shiftTowards()
- Point.sitsOn()
- Point.sitsRoughlyOn()
- Point.slope()
- Point.translate()
- utils.applyTransformToPoint()
- utils.beamIntersectsCircle()
- utils.beamIntersectsCurve()
- utils.beamIntersectsX()
- utils.beamIntersectsY()
- utils.beamsIntersect()
- utils.capitalize()
- utils.circlesIntersect()
- utils.combineTransform()
- utils.curveEdge()
- utils.curveIntersectsX()
- utils.curveIntersectsY()
- utils.curveParameterFromPoint()
- utils.curvesIntersect()
- utils.deg2rad()
- utils.generateStackTransform()
- utils.getTransformedBounds()
- utils.lineIntersectsCircle()
- utils.lineIntersectsCurve()
- utils.linesIntersect()
- utils.mergeI18n()
- utils.mergeOptions()
- utils.pctBasedOn()
- utils.pointOnBeam()
- utils.pointOnCurve()
- utils.pointOnLine()
- utils.rad2deg()
- utils.round()
- utils.splitCurve()
- utils.stretchToScale()
- utils.units()
- banner
- bannerBox
- bartack
- bartackAlong
- bartackFractionAlong
- crossBox
- cutOnFold
- flip
- gore
- grainline
- hd
- ld
- miniScale
- mirror
- pd
- pleat
- ringSector
- rmBanner
- rmBannerBox
- rmBartack
- rmBartackAlong
- rmBartackFractionAlong
- rmCrossBox
- rmCutOnFold
- rmGrainline
- rmHd
- rmLd
- rmMiniScale
- rmPd
- rmPleat
- rmRingSector
- rmScaleBox
- rmSewTogether
- rmTitle
- rmVd
- rmaD
- rmaHd
- rmaLd
- rmaPd
- rmaVd
- round
- scalebox
- sewTogether
- sprinkle
- title
- vd
- Measurements
Store Methods
- cutlist.addCut()
- cutlist.removeCut()
- cutlist.setCutOnFold()
- cutlist.setGrain()
- flag.error()
- flag.fixme()
- flag.info()
- flag.note()
- flag.preset()
- flag.tip()
- flag.warn()
- generateMacroIds()
- getMacroIds()
- log.debug()
- log.error()
- log.info()
- log.warn()
- pack()
- removeMacroNodes()
- storeMacroIds()
- unflag.error()
- unflag.fixme()
- unflag.info()
- unflag.note()
- unflag.preset()
- unflag.tip()
- unflag.warn()
- Web of Trust
The absoluteOptions
setting holds the values for snapped percentage options.
The absoluteOptions
setting is not intended to be set directly.
Instead, using snapped percentage options will automatically cause
the option values to be generated.
You can access these values through the destructured absoluteOptions
Please see the snapped percentage options reference for more details.
const settings = {
Object absoluteOptions={}
export const part = {
name: 'example.part',
measurements: [ 'waist' ],
options: {
width: {
pct: 5, min: 1 max: 25, snap: 7,
toAbs: (pct, { measurements }
) => measurements.waist * pct,
draft: ({ absoluteOptions }
) => {
const garmentWidth = absoluteOptions.width * 1.1
Contents by
- Authors:
- Maintainers:
- Last updated: 4 days, 17 hours ago